[Invitation]Memorable Wedding on the 26th of April, 2009 > 상상동정

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[Invitation]Memorable Wedding on the 26th of April, 2009

페이지 정보

작성자 상상 작성일09-04-18 16:58 조회10,454회


All of us are over the moon to announce the wed of one of our lovely colleague, Miss Jo Hyun, to all over the world.  The bride and bridegroom are preparing for the most gorgeous wed on the 26th of April. Our office will be temporarily closed on the wedding day(it is Sunday!!) for the wed even if our client is going to retain us for a deal of USD 1 billion on the wedding day. Again, congratulation on their memorable wedding and we wish they love each other throughout their life.

The pleasure of your company is requested
at the marriage of
Miss Jo Hyun
Mr Yoon Sunghwan
on Sunday, the twentysixth of April

at three o'clock in the afternoon

at the Cathedral Church of Nonhyun2-Dong
Gangnam-Gu, Seoul

서울 영등포구 국회대로800, 328호(여의도동, 여의도파라곤) 07238
T. 02-786-5211  F. 02-786-5213  E. dart@sang-sang.com
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