[News] '이브'와 함께 하는 2009년 > 상상동정

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[News] '이브'와 함께 하는 2009년

페이지 정보

작성자 상상 작성일08-12-31 16:57 조회11,034회


One of our colleague, Ms. Moon Hee Yoon, is expecting now.
This gorgeous embryo was named "Eve" by his father on December 24, 2008("Christmas eve"). It is our great pleasure to work with Eve at least by upcoming August 2009 at our office.

We congratulate her on having a baby and would like to share this great news with our clients. Together with this, we wish all of our clients have a prosperous new year.

서울 영등포구 국회대로800, 328호(여의도동, 여의도파라곤) 07238
T. 02-786-5211  F. 02-786-5213  E. dart@sang-sang.com
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